Friday, August 1, 2014

Experiment, experience, experiential, experimental, expert, expertise

source: R.M
Are all similar in nature, per the etymological dictionary, from the Latin, experiri “to try or test”. Ex ‘out of’ and peritus, ‘tested, tried or experienced’.  In order to gain experience, to become an expert, one must test and try repeatedly.  At first, such a daunting task as buttoning up the back of a dress or shirt on one’s own, after some experiments, this event too becomes a simple task, consisting of a given method of predesigned movements. 

Kandinsky once said “To create a work of art was to create the world.”  Surrounded by his Juryfreie murals on display at the MAM or Milwaukee Art Museum, one feels at the same time this immensity of the artwork, as if it were the cosmos, and the smallness of human form, sitting on the bench, we just another brushstroke, a fleck of extraordinary color chosen to complement the empty space. 

Experiments exist in all domains; Calatrava with architecture, Kandinsky with painting, Anaïs Nin and writing, Tangerine Dream with music, Pina Bausch and dance, Abramović and performance, a never-ending list thankfully.

One such empty space that will be hosting experimental music in a couple of weeks is that of the Experimental Sound Studio in Ravenswood for their 4th annual, SummerSonic outdoor music performances.  The concerts will be held outside in the garden and will begin at 2pm for the party and 3pm for the music on August 9th, 16th and 30th.  The ticket prices are minimal and the full line-up can be found here.  Experience what this sleepy neighborhood of Chicago is experimenting with these days. 

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