Sunday, April 1, 2012

In honor of simplicity and fools

Write an acronym for Daizo, such was the task offered by dublab several weeks ago.  RareBit was the guest artist, introducing his new record, Daizo, which as a word apparently had no meaning whatsoever.  So the opportunity arose for me to test my wit in an acronym contest and what came of it was:

is my

Absurdity being the champion of modernity, my acronym was chosen as the most flavorful, so silly it was that RareBit had to in fact check his zipper.  The prize was of course the record and what a joy it has been to listen to.  Not being well versed in musical vocabulary, I shall only say that it is a delight for the imagination and brings together the oddest of couples; a fat cat and a balding hedgehog for example.  The Los Angeles based record label Non Projects which hosts RareBit amongst other artists like Gold and Soil which I also had the pleasure of hearing on dublab.  Take some time and listen to what our west coast families at dublab and nonprojects have to offer.

1 comment:

  1. even more absurd: a bald hedgehog asking an assembly of fat cats, "Dear all, is my zipper open?"
